Weekly Recap (11/21-11/27)

Monday: Swim—2350 yards
I went to the pool for Masters again.  We had a day that focused on lots of harder intervals with more rest.
300 swim
200 kick
100 pull
4 x 50 10 kick roll
4 x 50 closed fist
200 swim
200 (medium, kick, easy, fast)
150 (kick, easy, fast)
100 (easy, fast)
50 fast
100 fast
150 fast
200 fast
200 easy
I swam reasonably well.  There was another set after-the-fact, but I decided to leave a little early so I could get to work a little early.  Since I just barely started my new job, I don’t have any PTO, so I’ve been working extra to make up the time I’ll be taking off for Thanksgiving.

Tuesday: Run—3.23 miles
I went to the track for a mostly easy pre-work run.  Most of the run was just basic, steady-state cardio, but I threw in a couple 400s at (well, a little faster than) race pace.  I felt fine during this workout.  I didn’t want it to be anything difficult, and it wasn’t.

Wednesday: Rest
I took the day off and drove up to Idaho for Thanksgiving.

Thursday: Struttin’ for Stuffin’ 5k—20:55
I’ll write up a race report, but suffice to say, the race went far better than I thought iit would, and I gave it everything.  I’m not sure I’ve ever been so wrecked after a 5k before.

Friday: Rest
I took Friday off to recover and eat leftovers.

Saturday: Rest
I ended up leaving for Salt Lake a day early because I was a little worried the weather forecast on Sunday. I was thinking of running with my dad, but with the change of plans, I didn’t have the time. I also felt myself getting a bit of a cold, and I had a really low (~99) fever.

Sunday: Rest
I woke up with a pretty sore throat and feeling a bit worse than I did on Saturday. I didn’t feel terrible by any means and still felt up to going to church and doing some housework, but I decided on a rest day (and would have probably taken another one anyway, even if I had felt great).

5 thoughts on “Weekly Recap (11/21-11/27)

  1. Amy

    I haven’t commented before, but I just wanted to say that I miss your updates! I love how real you’ve always kept things and I admire what an amazing athlete you are. Hope life is treating you well and that you’ll post again sometime!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jenny

    Hey, I’ve been noticing that you haven’t posted in a while. Is everything okay? I’ve been kind of out of it myself for a while and just went back and read the post you wrote election week. Just so you know, you’re not alone. That was really devastating. Not that things are any better now, but at least the shock has worn off for me. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I enjoy your blog posts, am curious about the 5k you ran on Thanksgiving. And I hope you’re okay.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, thank you! Things are okay! I just realized that I kind of fell off the face of the planet pretty much right after posting about how crappy I felt. I’m doing much better, and I do intend to start blogging again! Thank you for reaching out!


  3. Hanna @ minimal marathoner

    Hey Katie, how are you? Are things still going well with training and such? I noticed it’s been quite a while since you’ve posted, although I’ve seen you pop up on GOMI so I know you’re still alive 🙂 Hope all is well!


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